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Bentley 1 single room Owner

2017-9-30 10:34   265Views  Message No.1134  
Price: 150AUD/Week Building Floor:2Area Perth  -   -   -  Map Notes:(^_^)When you contact the writer, please let the writer know that you see this message from the website:AUPEOPLE Australia website. If you want to top up your rental house advertising in English rental section, please contact us by email: It cost 35 AUD / month.
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Curtin School District room, hardcover two layer townhouse clean, each bedroom has independent air conditioning, every two people sharing a bathroom toilet, to ensure clean health. Telstra company Australia's best NBN optical fiber network, no longer worry about network card troubles.
Traffic is convenient, only 2.8 kilometers away from Curtin, there are free school buses, or exercise, walk to school, 5mins direct, near the bus station 34,75177, convenient to Curtin, carousel, Waterford, city
The landlord couple were Curtin graduate, existing tenants are Curtin students, the tenant is friendly, no bad habits, we get along well.
Room configuration: Double bed a bed, desk, bookcase, wardrobe & large, comfortable chair. Chinese satellite TV, to create a clean, clean, quiet and comfortable living and learning environment.
There are 1 rooms for rent, Home Furnishing equipment, now can bag check. $150per $200per week. single week double bag of water, electricity, gas, due to the opening of the NBN optical fiber network is the fastest, but also add the money mentioned fast, largely solved we grab the net peak, no problem, welcome, call 04308711030430220801 looking forward to your call! Add micro signal LuLuWongKatherine
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