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标题: 杀害ECU同学焦丹的坏人定罪了! [打印本页]

作者: jackli    时间: 2009-4-7 20:19
标题: 杀害ECU同学焦丹的坏人定罪了!
该死的Dannie Wright今天下午3点半已经被定罪了,罪名是谋杀和强奸。经过精神病鉴定后,将会判终身监禁。最终刑期会在6-8周后宣布。详细看英文报道,链接:

Jiao Dan murder trial jury convicts Dannie Wright of murder

Glenn Cordingley
April 07, 2009 04:50pm
A MAN found guilty today of the brutal murder and rape of Chinese student Jiao Dan threw a tantrum in the Supreme Court.
A  jury, which had been deliberating since yesterday, delivered its verdict against Dannie Wright, 36, about 3.30pm.

Wright, of no fixed address, was found not guilty of the more serious charge of wilful murder.

Wright threw an abusive tantrum from the dock shortly after Justice Michael Murray asked defence lawyer Jonathan Davies if he would like to submit psychiatric reports on his client.

“You are all f*****, get me out of here,” he said, before being surrounded by security guards.

“I should not have been here in the first place.”

Justice Murray dismissed Wright from the court.

He has been remanded in custody for sentencing and psychiatric reports and is facing a life sentence.

Wright denied murdering Ms Jiao as she walked home from Stirling Train Station on October 8, 2007.

Ms Jiao, 22, was raped and left for dead on the side of the road near her Innaloo house after coming home at night from a cleaning job.

The Edith Cowan University student was bashed, choked and sexually assaulted with a beer bottle.

During the trial the defence cast doubt on the reliability of several DNA samples being used to link Wright, who was released from jail the day before the offence, to the murder and claimed police had arrested the wrong man.

Giving evidence, Wright said he found Ms Jiao's body after seeing a man appear from bushes before dumping something in a bin and fleeing from the area .

He said in an act of ''stupidity'' and ''curiosity'' he had rummaged in the bin, which explained why his DNA was found on the beer bottle used in the assault.

Wright said he did not mention finding the body because 'it never came up' and because he feared he would be accused of killing the woman.

Outside court, Detective Senior Sergeant Paul Boult described it as a shocking crime that had impacted so badly on Jiao Dan’s parents they could not attend the trial from China.

“It my own personal experience, it is the worst murder I have been involved in,” he said.

“The mother has taken this badly as you would expect and is not well, and the father, certainly, this has affected him gravely.

“Hopefully, this will give them some solace.

“He (Wright) was released from prison the day before for minor offences that attracted terms of imprisonment over a number of years but nothing that indicated this type of violent sexual behaviour.”

Jiao Dan’s friend Min Ding said she was relieved the ordeal was over, the truth had come out, and justice had been done.

“What happened to Jiao Dan should never happen to any woman or any girl,” she said.

“It has indeed, ruined the whole family.

“We do hope the person who did this be put away for the maximum time possible, to protect other women from him because, if he is loose, no one is safe.

“We hope and pray no one will ever suffer like this.”

Ms Ming said she intend to notify Jiao Dan’s parents of the result tonight.

Sentencing is expected within six to eight weeks.
作者: 功夫茶    时间: 2009-4-7 20:22
好!大快人心!没枪毙丫的! [s:92]
作者: 大脸猫    时间: 2009-4-7 20:40
作者: jeffhe    时间: 2009-4-7 20:49
作者: caoxuechao    时间: 2009-4-7 20:56
作者: dapangweiwei    时间: 2009-4-7 20:58
看见焦丹的朋友哭着说:这一切 终于结束了。。。
我只想说一声:MLGBD !我CAO你澳洲法律!
作者: xllv2008316    时间: 2009-4-7 20:59
作者: hamy816    时间: 2009-4-7 20:59
那个王八蛋 死一百遍都不够
作者: jackli    时间: 2009-4-7 21:02
可怜的焦丹,报道说她是被 raped and left for dead 。有没有谁知道她葬在哪里? 现在是清明时节,我们可以去烧香,顺便告慰一下惨死亡灵。
作者: crystal919    时间: 2009-4-7 21:06
作者: ben100300    时间: 2009-4-7 21:08
作者: daviddd    时间: 2009-4-7 21:09
Finally, it is over.

Wish Jiao Dan peace in heaven and we can meet again.

God blesses her and her family.
作者: 臭叁    时间: 2009-4-7 21:16
之前听新闻说那个人不认罪,还以为就这么结束了。。如果真的是他做的。。。焦丹也算是可以安息了。。。应该把凶手毙了。。TMD 。。。。让他活着真是便宜他了。。。有时候想想中国的死刑也是有道理的。。要不然老百姓根本就没生命上的保障了
作者: timz    时间: 2009-4-7 21:43
作者: royzhang111    时间: 2009-4-7 21:45
作者: johnny    时间: 2009-4-7 21:46

作者: 林安小强    时间: 2009-4-7 21:59
太长了, 看不完.
作者: year2k    时间: 2009-4-7 22:19
终于判了 [s:2]
作者: blowwater    时间: 2009-4-7 22:22
作者: fei    时间: 2009-4-7 22:22
作者: keen    时间: 2009-4-7 22:29
作者: kevinsu    时间: 2009-4-7 22:37
作者: singlesimple    时间: 2009-4-7 23:02
作者: 囧_orz    时间: 2009-4-7 23:20
便宜丫 的了,希望丫在监狱被人打死!!
作者: helenhe    时间: 2009-4-7 23:28
引用第8楼jackli2009-04-07 21:02发表的:
可怜的焦丹,报道说她是被 raped and left for dead 。有没有谁知道她葬在哪里? 现在是清明时节,我们可以去烧香,顺便告慰一下惨死亡灵。

作者: alien5366    时间: 2009-4-8 00:05
作者: sick-k    时间: 2009-4-8 00:34
作者: funland    时间: 2009-4-8 01:28
作者: asshole    时间: 2009-4-8 07:30
作者: lime    时间: 2009-4-8 10:14
作者: 观飞    时间: 2009-4-8 10:22
判他个终身监禁, 也算给焦丹和她的家人一点安慰。
作者: 未安之陌    时间: 2009-4-8 10:45
引用第31楼asshole2009-04-08 07:30发表的:
   什麽叫強姦就強姦啊 kao
作者: isontony    时间: 2009-4-8 11:21
ECU JOONDALUP校区2号楼前有焦丹同学的石碑,就是上面刻得中文我不大懂想要表达什么意思。。。
作者: morientes    时间: 2009-4-8 11:42
引用第13楼timz2009-04-07 21:43发表的:

作者: liquor卡卡    时间: 2009-4-8 13:20
引用第30楼funland2009-04-08 01:28发表的:

希望她一路走好, 大家也要注意人身安全
昨天听说ECU MT LAWLEY又差点有中国女生要自杀之类的
作者: 阪本龍马    时间: 2009-4-8 13:53
this is a good news for Dan's family, God will bless them forever.
BLOODY Dannie Wright will pay for what he did by his life.
作者: 阿德    时间: 2009-4-8 14:43
Sone one said that Dan's grandparents passed away after heard the news, her mum in the serious of sickness>>I am not sure the news>>no matter what, that's the sad news for not just her family but also for all of us>> Dear friends, please take care of yourself>>we can not afford this thing to be happened again to anyone of you>>while Dan, farewell! Wish God bless you and your family for ever.
作者: enjoy    时间: 2009-4-8 18:18

作者: abbie    时间: 2009-4-10 01:47
作者: slam_dunk    时间: 2009-4-10 10:32
臭SB应该拉去当太监 天天被插菊花
作者: xiaojing    时间: 2009-4-10 10:51
作者: coldwinter    时间: 2009-4-10 10:57
作者: dm790418    时间: 2009-4-11 00:40
终身监禁 便宜他了
作者: henritz    时间: 2009-4-11 13:39

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