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Curtin campus, single roo Owner

2017-8-8 11:00   290Views  Message No.933  
Price: 135AUD/Week Building Floor:2Area Perth  -   -   -  Map Notes:(^_^)When you contact the writer, please let the writer know that you see this message from the website:AUPEOPLE Australia website. If you want to top up your rental house advertising in English rental section, please contact us by email: It cost 35 AUD / month.
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The existing 1 room bag, 135/week.
Please contact at 0450980608 or contact QQ.
This is the school district room, house 5 rooms 3 toilets 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces, NBN speed soon (can line Dota), roommates are learning to work in Curtin, they are very quiet, for ease of learning and work friends, only a street away from the school, go out walking 1 minutes to enter the campus, save transportation costs, and the school is safe and convenient, even if the exam forget student card can be divided into minutes to take home
There is a need to look at the room, contact me in advance, or domestic friends can take you to see the details of the room, if you need to stay in rooms close to or more than a month to pay rent to stay part.
Address in 40, Marquis, St, Bentley WA, that is, the school across the street, can no longer close.
In addition, the house will be renovated and painted at the end of the year, new furniture, so during the new year will be vacated (1 months), new year's friends do not go home, please note.
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